Tuesday, July 12, 2011

[Review] Daiso Clay

Today I will be doing a review post on clays that can be purchase at any Daiso store.

I really enjoy using Daiso clay because they are cheap and can be purchase at my local Daiso store. Unlike the many other clay I use (ie, Modena, Grace), Daiso clays are VERY CHEAP - $2 only and MADE IN JAPAN! They are very light and easy to use, especially when you are new to clay making. These clay comes in many color like white, black, pink, sky blue, and many more. I usually only buy white because I like to mix with my own color.

Daiso Clay Review

Front package of Daiso Clay

Daiso Clay Review

Back package of Daiso Clay

Daiso Clay Review

Side view of package

Daiso Clay Review

Side view of package

I really like when they include the color table for mixing
(I sometimes tend to forget what color I should mix to get a certain color)

Daiso Clay Review

The clay itself; pretty big for the price.

Daiso Clay Review

Daiso Clay Review

The clay itself pick up details very well.

Daiso Clay Review

Donuts made from Daiso clay.

Daiso Clay Review

When dried, it doesn't get hard. With little force, I can actually squeeze it. However, a very good clay to work with.

Overall Rating:

  • CHEAP! ($2 )
  • very handy to use
  • mix very well with acrylic paint
  • it doesn't stick to your hands
  • mix very well with other clays
  • easy to use
  • it hardens through natural drying
  • pick up details very well

  • Sometimes it takes more than a day to dry.
  • it doesn't get as hard as I want

Hope you will like this review!!!



  1. Hello Kaoru.
    I was browsing for reviews on Daiso ADC and I stumbled onto your blog.
    I would like to know how do you manage this clay so well? I kneaded them for more than 15 minutes and try to form them into shapes but it just doesn't work, they end up cracking and gets really crumbly. I also mixed some acrylic paints onto the clay and it doesn't blend in well with the clay and ends up getting sticky and stuck all over my hands. I'm really curious on how do you manage this clay so well and hope you can help me out here! Thank you!

  2. was ur clay pretty dry when u open it? if yes, try adding some water to it! it works for me! =)
    hope this helps!

  3. if its dry, DONT add acrylic paints to it! it will make things worst!

    if adding some water makes it better, then try adding acrylic paints, after.

  4. Thank you Kaoru, will take your advice and see how it works :D Hopefully it will go well ! Thank you.

  5. To "cure" the cracks, you just add a little bit of water <: ) ?

  6. What are the colours there and what colours do you suggest ?

  7. How do you seal your clay pieces?

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